1st December, Sunday – Carols in the Nag’s Head, Haughton, after their annual Star Lighting event. This is 6pm at the Nag’s in Haughton, with Just Sing being the choir for the ‘sing-off’ of carols between choir and pub, which will be led by Rev Tim, and is always a fun and well-attended event!
WI Carol Service at St Boniface church, Bunbury
On Monday 2nd of December the Just Sing choir will be joining with the WI from around the district at their carol service to join in and maybe perform some pieces.
Concert Success
Thank you to our lovely concert audience on Saturday 19th of October. We provided a 2-hour programme of songs and musical performances on violin and piano in aid of entertainment and supporting the MS society. A raffle and drinks receptions was held in the interval to promote the work of the MS Society. We also…Continue reading Concert Success